Category Archives: ΠΗΛΟΣ

Thursday February 1st, 2018

Clay. Don’t forget to play

There are many times that I am out of words regarding pottery & clay. I try speaking about our connection with this material which is actually a piece of us as humans, about the effortless way one can work with it, provided that they “listen” to it, that they show devotion to it. However I […]

Tuesday April 11th, 2017

Yes. Clay Desk Lamp!

This may have taken me 4 months to finish and it’s not the most amazing table light in the world, but I did finish it, it works and everything, and for me…well it is the most perfect table light in the world. There was a lot of work and thought over it, but it was […]

Monday December 5th, 2016

For the love of pottery!

Well, just dropping by to say that I continue pottery classes and while time passes I am seriously considering of throwing away all my kitchen stuff and making new ones! This post is an update with favorite things I made. Must tell you that everything is actually usable; they are not just pretty. For example […]

Saturday April 9th, 2016


I couldn’t give any other name to this blog post. It’s just clay and it is the most perfect material in the UNIVERSE.  Maybe it’s because it’s a natural material and that’s why I feel I understand it so good. Maybe I just found the most perfect teacher and she is the one who makes […]

Thursday October 22nd, 2015

This is Halloween

Τα έχουμε πει, το Just DIY αγαπά πολύ το Halloween. Όχι τόσο σε επίπεδο πάρτυ, φρικιαστικών στολών και λοιπά, όσο σε επίπεδο crafting και DIY. Οπότε, σε συνέχεια του περσινού ποστ για την ιδιαίτερη αυτή γιορτή, έτσι και φέτος είπα να φτιάξω κάτι 🙂 Είναι πάρα πολύ απλό και πάρα πολύ τρομακτικοοοοοο (ουυουουουουου μπαμπουυυλεεεες) Θα […]