This is a very simple DIY project that took me about 5 minutes .
So, OK I admit buying the specific olives just for the packaging. I have already used it as a kitchen utensils holder and a pencil holder and now the time has come for it’s final spot in the house. There were already some magnets on the fridge (used to be part of touristy magnets that broke) so I just took 4 and glued them on the packaging with the hot glue gun.
I know I will probably need to fix this mess of magnets on the fridge, but now is not the time. Or is it?
Έχω το ίδιο και το έχω κάνει βαζάκι με αποξηραμένη λεβαντα, δεν το είχα σκεφτεί. Πολύ όμορφο! Επίσης έχω να σου πω οτι τα ψυγεία μας μοιάζουν πάρα πολύ (μαγνητάκια!!!).
χεχεχε! έτσι, ζητάω μαγνητάκι από όποιον ταξιδεύει και έχω δημιουργήσει ένα χάος <3
Πολύ vintage συσκευασία!
Τη βρίσκεις κανονικά στο σουπερ μάρκετ 🙂