I don’t even know where to start!!
As you probably already know (if you are a fan of this fantastic blog!!) I had the privilege and joy to be invited at the Maker Faire Berlin by Dremel. Besides me, my european company was Tuomas from Finland, Fabrizzio from Italy and Rene from Germany. All of us, one very different from the other, but still all Makers, were asked to make something inspired by the concept “DIY Techlaration”.

From the left, me, Tuomas, Fabrizzio, Lukas and Fanny (the 2 last from Ketchum Pleon) arrived at the Maker Faire!

That is, don’t throw away your old computer. Use the parts to make something! My idea was simple and colourful. See the video below to get the idea.
The day that we were making our projects live, we were all a bit nervous (we had a live streaming). We were separated in couples; at the beginning Fabrizzio and Tuomas and then Rene and I. Fantastic Istvan (from Dremel HQ) asked us questions and made us forget the stress, relax and have fun! So that’s how we rooooolled! (Cheers Istvan!!)

My friend, the camera man
OF COURSE there were the smiles and support of both the teams of Dremel and Ketchum Pleon that were amazing people, great company and I hope to see them again soon! (Fanny, our invitation still stands!)

Here, with Fanny having a great time!
The Faire was amazing. Robots everywhere. 3D printing (we had one at the Dremel stand)! People making things using technology either for new stuff or traditional objects. Families, babies, kids, older people, everything you can imagine.

Having a blast with Lukas and R2D2
Ok, I’ll stop writing, the rest in pictures!

The entrance

My guy making me something for our anniversary!

The fantastic Dremel team (not all, but still fantastic!)

Here some robots playing soccer

That was so cool #dremelmakerday

Amazing, right?

A simple evening dress

Hey Robocop, is that you?
And, enough with the pictures, lets see the video!
It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Thank you Dremel so much for inviting me, for the hospitality, the great company and everything! And thank you for making such amazing tools!!! 😀 😀
Special thanks to Fanny, Lukas and Claudia <3