Monthly Archives: September 2013

Monday September 9th, 2013

The Batman Table

So OK, its Christmas time and I had decided that I would make all the presents. One of them was the batman table I made for my sister who had just moved in with her boyfriend. We had 2 of them at home, and you know every kid from Greece born from 1975 to 1985 that respects itself, must have these kind of tables at their parents house.

The procedure was rather simple. Sander and then enamel paint, color ice white. After that I got online and started looking for stuff. I was thinking something with a comic twist, but then without lot of thought, I started gathering only Batman stuff. I printed the pictures and decided on the collage. I used white glue for paper and fabric mixed with water. I glued the papers down with a brush and then gave it 2 more coats of glue. This created a good surface so that you can actually use it as a table and place things on it. My sister though is afraid to use it because she thinks it will get destroyed, but I just tell her that if this happens then we’ll just make it over <3

batman table copy

Sunday September 8th, 2013

Summer remains

It’s Sunday and somewhere between cooking and cleaning (the necessary Sunday chores) I played with the stones I have collected from Ikaria. I washed them, wiped them and separated them color wise.

Oh, if only we had a little more summer.


Saturday September 7th, 2013

Headboard from window shutters (oh, how original!!)

A few years back, I had the windows replaced at my house. I took out the wooden ones and put pvc windows and shutters. But, the wooden ones were so pretty that I didn’t have the heart to throw them away. Turns out it was a good move. I kept them around for some time (making the house look like a construction site once again) until I figured what to do with them. And then I decided to use some of them to make………………….. drum roll……………..a headboard! (hm, I have already said that on the title, haven’t I?)


I gave them a sanding and I removed the handles.


I picked a nice off white color and gave them one coat on one side.


After they dried I used sanding paper on various spots to make the wood appear.


Finally I just placed them one next to the other on the wall and put the bed in front of them. Simple things! And this way I didn’t throw the shutters that I loved so much!


Thursday September 5th, 2013

Wooden hipster boxes

So, we had a bunch of wooden boxes, parallelograms, in various sizes. But they were so clean cut, so I decided to make them a little more “hipster” so they would be good instagram material. Ha!


So, I turned them somehow vintage with the use of various tools and products.

First I sanded them so the old varnish would get off and then used a glaze with a touch of black.


Then, I beat the Sh***t out of them! I mean really! I took a little adz and started hitting them on various spots so they would make marks. Also, using a screw that I pushed on various spots I made these “I am a worn out, troubled life wooden box” marks. Then I spent like an hour playing tetris, trying to decide the best way to put them on the wall, and finally decided on the following. That’s it!

  1. Regarding the TV you see below, we’ll speak at some other time. 🙂
