In my family so far all new babies are boys. We already gave 3 and 1 is in Afroditi’s (my sister in law) belly! Also, my best friend Andreas has 2 kids, both boys.
BUT ladies and gentlemen, there is one more baby in my sister’s belly…which is A GIRL! Finally we can start buying girly things, dresses and silly pink stuff! But before that, we must see about our girl’s room.
So, from what I hear, a baby’s room must have a good chair for the mom to feed the baby, a diaper change furniture and obviously a crib. Also, you need to be careful about the colors you choose to put in; for example you shouldn’t use an intense red, unless it’s OK with you that your kid turns out a little nervous and chokes you in your sleep 😛
Also, let’s say something else.. Whatever decoration we give in babies rooms, we do it because we like it. It’s obvious the baby doesn’t really care about anything else than eating, no2, and sleep. And now that we admitted this, let me show you some rooms I loved and gave me lots of inspiration.
That’s it! <3